@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $currentTab = 1; if(app('request')->input('t')){ $currentTab = app('request')->input('t'); } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Accident, illness or incident forms

View Analytics
@endsection @section('content')

Filter records

@if(isset($filter['room']) || isset($filter['childs']) || isset($filter['date'])) Clear @endif
@if((isset($records) && !empty($records))) @foreach ($records as $key => $record)
{{ Helper::getHumanReadableDate($record->date) }} Posted by @if(isset($record->publisher)) {{$record->publisher->firstName}} {{$record->publisher->lastName}} @else School @endif

Location: {{$record->location}}

@if(isset($record->isPublic) && $record->isPublic == false)
This has not been shared with parents.
@endif @if(isset($record->signatures) && $record->signatures == true)

Signed by parent

@if($record->userCommentCount > 0) @endif
@if($previousurl!="") Previous @endif @if($nexturl!="") Next @endif
@if($page == 1)

No records added

@if(isset($filter['childs']) && !empty($filter['childs']) && count($filter['childs']) == 1)

There are no records added for Alex Wilson.


There are no records for any of the children.

@endif @else

There are no more records found.

@endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection