@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @section('breadcrumb')

Active subscriptions

The system generates invoices between 12 AM and 7 AM (UK, Ireland & Lisbon time zone). If you wish to resume any subscription, please do so one day in advance and before 12:00 AM.

When you click the 'Pause billing' button for children, it means that invoices will no longer be generated for those selected children starting from that specific date and time.

For children with paused billing, you have the option to resume invoicing for specific children by clicking the 'Resume billing' button. Once you do this, starting from the date and time of resumption, the system will continue to generate upcoming invoices after that date.

Let's consider an example: Imagine a child is on recurring billing (Postpaid), and their weekly invoices are generated for the following periods:

If you pause this child's subscription on the 12th date, the system will not generate upcoming invoices after that date (i.e., 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.). If you resume the child's subscription on the 22nd date, the system will continue to generate upcoming invoices after that date. Therefore, invoices 4th and 5th, 6th, etc., will continue to be generated on their scheduled dates.

Please be aware that if any subscription reaches its expiration date while it's in a paused state, the system will terminate that subscription. Additionally, note that the Pause/Resume billing feature is applicable only to recurring billing. If you have manually scheduled invoices for any child, the system will continue to generate and send them to parents on their designated dates and times.

@endsection @section('content') @if (isset($result) && !empty($result)) @foreach ($result as $key => $room)
--}} @if(isset($room->children)) @foreach ($room->children as $child) @php $status = isset($child->pauseInvoice) && $child->pauseInvoice == true ? 1 : 0; $billingtype = "-"; if($child->type == "b7") { $billingtype = 'Subscription package'; } else if($child->type == "b8") { $billingtype = isset($child->useSession) && $child->useSession == true ? 'Session rates' : 'Attendance hours'; } else if($child->type == "b9") { $billingtype = 'Daily'; } @endphp @endforeach @endif
Children name Billing type Billing start date Billing end date Next invoice date Billing Status Action
{{ $child->child->name }}
{{ $billingtype }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($child->billStartDate)->format('d/m/Y') }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($child->billEndDate)->format('d/m/Y') }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($child->nextInvoice)->format('d/m/Y') }} {{ $status ? "Paused" : "Active" }} {{ $status ? "Resume billing" : "Pause billing" }}
@endforeach @else
No active subscriptions found.
@endif @endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection