What type of billing would you like to setup?
childBillingInfo->useSession == true ? 'flex' : 'none'}}">
childBillingInfo->useSession == true ? 'flex' : 'none'}}">
How session rates work?
childBillingInfo->useSession == true ? 'flex' : 'none'}}">
We will apply the session rates you defined in billing setup to children’s billing, if they match their attendance schedule. If a child has schedules applied that do not have a session rate, your hourly rate will be used for any schedules that do not have a session rate applied.
{{-- Example: If there’s a session rate like €10 for Toddler room 9am to 11am,
And a child also has this scheduled defined in their attendance,
Then we’ll consider €10 instead of the hourly rate!
Select a subscription package
@if(isset($init->schoolBillingSetup->subscriptions) && !empty($init->schoolBillingSetup->subscriptions))
@foreach($init->schoolBillingSetup->subscriptions as $subscription)
{{$subscription->days}} {{$subscription->days > 1 ? 'days' : 'day' }} per week
@if(isset($init->schoolBillingSetup->addOns) && !empty($init->schoolBillingSetup->addOns))
Select Add-ons, Discounts & Subsidy
@foreach($init->schoolBillingSetup->addOns as $addOn)
{{isset($addOnsType[$addOn->amountType]) ? $addOnsType[$addOn->amountType] . ':' : ''}} {{$addOn->amountType == 2 ? $addOn->amount.'% total of the invoice' : $scurrency.$addOn->amount.'/month' }}
@if($addOn->amountType != 2)
Weekly = {{$scurrency}}{{$addOn->amount/4}} | biweekly = {{$scurrency}}{{$addOn->amount/2}}
Note: If you remove an add-on, discount & subsidy, it will be removed from the next invoice.
For example, if you add a new add-on to an existing invoice, the recipient will have to pay the entire amount of the new add-on.
Billing period
The first invoice will be sent on the {invoice date} on a {weekly} basis.
If you change the billing cycle, the new cycle will come into effect after the current cycle ends.
Example: If it’s an invoice is set to a weekly billing cycle and you change to monthly, the system will start the monthly cycle after the weekly cycle ends.
You can add funded hours to be automatically deducted from children’s scheduled attended hours on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. This billing cycle is dependent on the billing cycle chosen. TeachKloud will automatically deduct any funded hours from the scheduled attended hours to calculate the final amount payable by the parent. The final payable amount is determined by your hourly rate which can be edited in the billing set-up.