@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $is_child = ""; $is_child_exist = false; if(app('request')->input('c')){ $is_child = app('request')->input('c'); } if(app('request')->input('child')){ $is_child = app('request')->input('child'); } $currency = config('constant.currency'); $scurrency = "€"; if(isset($init->schoolBillingSetup->payee->currency) && $init->schoolBillingSetup->payee->currency != "" && isset($currency[$init->schoolBillingSetup->payee->currency])) { $scurrency = $currency[$init->schoolBillingSetup->payee->currency]['symbol']; } $addOnsType = config('constant.addOnsType'); @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Set up recurring billing

Recurring billing has three options. Children can be on a subscription package, hourly or daily rate. Select the type of billing package you’d like to apply and any relevant children.

@endsection @section('content')
What type of billing would you like to setup?
Children of {{isset($room) && !empty($room) ? $room->name : ""}}

Tap to select the children.

@if(isset($init->children) && !empty($init->children)) @foreach($init->children as $child)
@endforeach @php $is_child_exist = true; @endphp @else

No children found

Select a subscription package
@if(isset($init->schoolBillingSetup->subscriptions) && !empty($init->schoolBillingSetup->subscriptions)) @foreach($init->schoolBillingSetup->subscriptions as $subscription)

{{$subscription->days}} {{$subscription->days > 1 ? 'days' : 'day' }} per week

$subscription->_id, "name" => $subscription->name, "amount" => $scurrency . $subscription->amount, "days" => $subscription->days, "description" => $subscription->description ])}}" class="packege-info"> Select
@endforeach @else

You haven’t added any subscription packages.

@if(isset($init->schoolBillingSetup->addOns) && !empty($init->schoolBillingSetup->addOns))
Select Add-ons, Discounts & Subsidy
@foreach($init->schoolBillingSetup->addOns as $addOn)

{{isset($addOnsType[$addOn->amountType]) ? $addOnsType[$addOn->amountType] . ':' : ''}} {{$addOn->amountType == 2 ? $addOn->amount.'% total of the invoice' : $scurrency.$addOn->amount.'/month' }}

@if($addOn->amountType != 2)

Weekly = {{$scurrency}}{{$addOn->amount/4}} | biweekly = {{$scurrency}}{{$addOn->amount/2}}

Billing period

The first invoice will be sent on the {invoice date} on a {weekly} basis.

@endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection