@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $maincurrentTab = 2; $currentTab = 1; if(app('request')->input('t')){ $currentTab = app('request')->input('t'); } if(app('request')->input('m')){ $maincurrentTab = app('request')->input('m'); } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')
{{(isset($isSubscription) && $isSubscription && !in_array($subscriptionStatus, ['canceled', 'unpaid'])) ? 'Current period:' : 'Last period:'}} {{$currentPeriod}}
@endif @if(isset($isTrial) && $isTrial) @if(isset($expiresIn))Expires in {{$expiresIn}}
@elseif(isset($expiredAt))Expired at {{$expiredAt}}
@endif @elseif(isset($childrenNum))Children added: {{$childrenNum}} @if($currentChildrenNum < $childrenNum) ({{($childrenNum-$currentChildrenNum)}} remaining) @endif
@endifNext payment: {{$nextPayment}} {{(isset($childrenNum)) ? 'for '.$childrenNum.' children' :''}}
@endif @if(isset($cardLast4))Card information: XXXX XXXX XXXX {{$cardLast4}}
@endifPlan: {{$downgradePlan}}
@endif @if (isset($downgradeDate))Date: {{$downgradeDate}}
@endif @if (isset($downgradePrice))Price: {{$downgradePrice}}
@endifChildren Name | Subscription renewal/end date | Status | Action |
Many TeachKloud customers are already saving up to 100% on their subscription! Would you like to get TeachKloud for free or save on the number of child profiles you pay for? You can move some or all your children to Parent Pays. Click here to learn more.
Children Name | Status | Action |
Please read this important information on how TeachKloud subscriptions work here
Date | Price | Status | Invoices |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($invoice->date)->format('d/m/Y')}} | {{ $invoice->total }} | {{ $invoice->status }} | Payment Details |