@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $currentTab = 1; if(app('request')->input('t')){ $currentTab = app('request')->input('t'); } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')
Create templates for cleaning sheets and daily assessment’s such as risk assessment checklists that teachers can complete using the TeachKloud: Childcare App. Watch our support video to learn how to create cleaning and daily sheets in minutes Click here! OR do you want to create consent forms that parents can sign, such as medication consent? Click here!
Area/Item | Frequency | Product to be used | Associated with |
{{$checklist->area}} | {{$checklist->frequency}} | {{$checklist->products}} | {{$CleaningSheet->details}} |
Start creating checklist.
Add new checklist @endifQuestions | Action Required | Associated with |
{{$checklist->question}} | {{$checklist->action}} | {{$DailyRiskAssessment->details}} |
Start creating checklist.
Add new checklist @endifQuestions | Answer Type |
{{$checklist->question}} | @switch($checklist->answerType) @case(66) Yes/No @break @case(67) Yes/No/Not Observed @break @case(68) Text Comment @break @default - @endswitch |
Start creating checklist.
Add new checklist @endif