@php if(!isset($is_school)){$is_school = true;} @endphp @extends(($is_school ? 'layouts.vertical' : 'layouts.parent')) @section('css') @endsection @php $sroom = ""; if(app('request')->input('room')){ $sroom = app('request')->input('room'); } $currentTab = 1; if(app('request')->input('t')){ $currentTab = app('request')->input('t'); } $relations = config('constant.relation'); @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Edit Profile


The enrolment form can only be completed by one parent.


All sections must be saved before moving to a new section. Press the save changes button at the bottom of each section before moving to a new section. After completing the full form, sign and save in the main enrolment form page. If you are using the parent app to complete this enrolment form, we’d recommend using the web version here: https://parent.teachkloud.com/

@endsection @section('content')
General details

Note: Please fill out all * fields, if not relevant input “N/A”

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section


If your child’s name or any other details are incorrect, please contact the childcare service directly.

dob)->format('d/m/Y') : old('dob') }}" placeholder="">
otherIdStartDate)->format('d/m/Y') : ' '}}" class="form-control flatpickr flatpickr-input from-date">
otherIdEndDate)->format('d/m/Y') : ' '}}" class="form-control flatpickr flatpickr-input to-date">
notifyOtherIDExpiry) && $child->notifyOtherIDExpiry == true ? 'checked' : '' }} data-error="OtherIDExpiry-error">
Assign room
Next room

TeachKloud will automatically move the child profile to the room, on the date selected below. Any attendance schedules will reflect the new room. Assigning next room is optional.

nextRoomDate)->format('d/m/Y') : ' '}}" class="form-control flatpickr flatpickr-input-future">

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section

@if(isset($child->parents) && !empty($child->parents)) @php $pcount = 0; @endphp @foreach($child->parents as $parent)
Parent/guardian details {{$pcount+1}}

If you want this parent/guardian to use the app, please contact the school administrator.


When inviting parents and/or guardians to TeachKloud, please ensure that you use the intended recipients correct email address. Crosscheck emails and parental details, before inviting, to avoid unintended access to child profiles. If you invite a parent/guardian in error, go to children > list of children > three grey dots > edit profile > parents and guardians. Delete the email and select save, to remove access. If the parent does not receive the invite email, it may be in spam or the email used to invite them may be incorrect. Ask them to check spam and cross check that the email you used is correct.

{{-- --}}
shared) && $parent->shared == true ? 'checked' : '' }} data-error="shared-error">
allowEdit) && $parent->allowEdit == true ? 'checked' : '' }} data-error="allow-error">
emergencyContact) && $parent->emergencyContact == true ? 'checked' : '' }} data-error="allow-error">
@else @endif
@php $pcount++; @endphp @endforeach @else
Parent/guardian details 1

If you want this parent/guardian to use the app, please contact the school administrator.


When inviting parents and/or guardians to TeachKloud, please ensure that you use the intended recipients correct email address. Crosscheck emails and parental details, before inviting, to avoid unintended access to child profiles. If you invite a parent/guardian in error, go to children > list of children > three grey dots > edit profile > parents and guardians. Delete the email and select save, to remove access. If the parent does not receive the invite email, it may be in spam or the email used to invite them may be incorrect. Ask them to check spam and cross check that the email you used is correct.

Collection details

Include yourself and your picture in the collection list.


Note for Parents: Your consent is required for other people to collect your child from the children’s service on your behalf. Please list details of those people who can collect your child in the table below (this list may be added to or changed throughout the year).

Note: Please fill out all * fields

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section

@if(isset($child->collections) && !empty($child->collections)) @php $ccount = 0; @endphp @foreach($child->collections as $collection)
range == false ? 'checked' : ''}} data-error="day-type-error" data-id-pattern="collections++range0" value="0">
range == true ? 'checked' : ''}} data-error="day-type-error" data-id-pattern="collections++range1" value="1">
fromDate)->format('d/m/Y') : ' '}}" placeholder="">
toDate)->format('d/m/Y') : ' '}}" placeholder="">
@php $collectDays = []; @endphp @if(isset($collection->days) && !empty($collection->days)) @php $collectDays = $collection->days; @endphp @endif
@php $collectDates = []; @endphp @if($collection->range == false && isset($collection->dates) && !empty($collection->dates)) @foreach($collection->dates as $date) @php $collectDates[] = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($date)->format('Y-m-d'); @endphp @endforeach @endif
Select days
@php $ccount++; @endphp @endforeach @else
Select days

Note: Please fill out all * fields, if not relevant input “N/A”

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section

This section helps to assist our staff in getting to know your child and the planning of the sessions that they will be attending

Is your child toilet trained?
toiletTrained) && $child->toiletTrained == true) || !isset($child->toiletTrained) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
toiletTrained) && $child->toiletTrained == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
Does your child have any fears or dislikes?
@php $fears = config('constant.fears'); $fecount = 1; $otherFears = isset($child->fears) ? array_diff($child->fears,$fears) : []; @endphp @foreach($fears as $fear)
fears) && in_array($fear, $child->fears) ? 'checked' : '' }}>
@php $fecount++; @endphp @endforeach
Does your child enjoy?
@php $hobbies = config('constant.hobbies'); $hocount = 1; $otherHobbies = isset($child->hobbies) ? array_diff($child->hobbies,$hobbies) : []; @endphp @foreach($hobbies as $hobby)
hobbies) && in_array($hobby, $child->hobbies) ? 'checked' : '' }}>
@php $hocount++; @endphp @endforeach
Please answer the questions below:
@if(isset($favourites) && !empty($favourites)) @php $fcount = 0; @endphp @foreach($favourites as $favourite)
@if($is_school) @endif
@php $fcount++; @endphp @endforeach @else
@if($is_school) @endif
@endif @if($is_school)
Any other information you would like to share with us

Note: Please fill out all * fields, if not relevant input “N/A”

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section

@if(isset($child->doctors) && !empty($child->doctors)) @php $dcount = 0; @endphp @foreach($child->doctors as $doctor)
Doctor details
@php $dcount++; @endphp @endforeach @else
Doctor details
Medical details
Has the child been immunised?
immunised) && $child->immunised == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
immunised) && $child->immunised == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
@if(isset($child->vaccines) && !empty($child->vaccines)) @php $vcount = 0; @endphp @foreach($child->vaccines as $vaccine)
date)->format('d/m/Y') : ''}}">
@if(isset($vaccine->documents) && !empty($vaccine->documents)) @foreach($vaccine->documents as $documents) @php $ext = pathinfo($documents->url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); @endphp @endforeach @endif
@php $vcount++; @endphp @endforeach @else
Immunisation records sighted by school staff?
immuniseSighted) && $child->immuniseSighted == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
immuniseSighted) && $child->immuniseSighted == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
Has your child been diagnosed as at risk of anaphylaxis?
anaphylaxisDiagnosed) && $child->anaphylaxisDiagnosed == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
anaphylaxisDiagnosed) && $child->anaphylaxisDiagnosed == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
Does the child have any allergies or sensitivities?
hasAllergies) && $child->hasAllergies == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
hasAllergies) && $child->hasAllergies == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
allergiesDiagnosed) && $child->allergiesDiagnosed == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
allergiesDiagnosing) && $child->allergiesDiagnosing == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
allergiesDiagnosedDate)->format('d/m/Y') : '' }}">
Does your child have any medical conditions or special needs (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes, grommets, etc.)?
specialNeedsRequired) && $child->specialNeedsRequired == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
specialNeedsRequired) && $child->specialNeedsRequired == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
specialNeedsDiagnosed) && $child->specialNeedsDiagnosed == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
specialNeedsDiagnosing) && $child->specialNeedsDiagnosing == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
specialNeedsDiagnosedDate)->format('d/m/Y') : '' }}">
Does your child have any dietary restrictions?
dietaryRestrications) && $child->dietaryRestrications == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
dietaryRestrications) && $child->dietaryRestrications == false ? 'checked' : ''}}>
What these medical concerns are

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section

@if(isset($child->requiredItems) && !empty($child->requiredItems)) @php $rcount = 0; @endphp @foreach($child->requiredItems as $requiredItems)
{{ $requiredItems->name }}
@if(isset($requiredItems->documents) && !empty($requiredItems->documents)) @foreach($requiredItems->documents as $documents) @php $ext = pathinfo($documents->url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); @endphp @endforeach @endif
@php $rcount++; @endphp @endforeach @else
Child’s passport or birth certificate
Add any other attachments here. Enter the attachment name, press add section and then upload the file or image.

Select save changes (bottom of each section), before moving to the next section

@php $booking_days = config('constant.booking_days'); @endphp
Type of Booking - Please tick days your child will attend
fullDayCareDays) && !empty($child->fullDayCareDays) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
@foreach($booking_days as $key => $day)
fullDayCareDays) && !empty($child->fullDayCareDays) && in_array($key, $child->fullDayCareDays) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
morningCareDays) && !empty($child->morningCareDays) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
@foreach($booking_days as $key => $day)
morningCareDays) && !empty($child->morningCareDays) && in_array($key, $child->morningCareDays) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
afternoonCareDays) && !empty($child->afternoonCareDays) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
@foreach($booking_days as $key => $day)
afternoonCareDays) && !empty($child->afternoonCareDays) && in_array($key, $child->afternoonCareDays) ? 'checked' : ''}}>
@endif @if(isset($child->policiesAndConsents) && !empty($child->policiesAndConsents))
@php $count = 1 @endphp @foreach($child->policiesAndConsents as $policy) @if($policy->isConsent == false)
{{ $policy->name }}
@if($is_school) @endif
{!! str_ireplace(array("\r\n\t",'\r\n\t',"\r\n",'\r\n',"\n",'\n',"\t",'\t'),'
',$policy->description) !!}
Note: This policy is modified for this child. Reset this to standard policy
@php $count++ @endphp @endif @endforeach
@else @if(!$is_school)

The school administrator has not added any information yet. When they do, we’ll notify you.

@endif @endif
@endif @if(isset($child->policiesAndConsents) && !empty($child->policiesAndConsents))
@php $count = 1 @endphp @foreach($child->policiesAndConsents as $consent) @if($consent->isConsent == true)
@if($is_school) @endif
Note: This consent is modified for this child. Reset this to standard consent
@php $count++ @endphp @endif @endforeach
@else @if(!$is_school)

The school administrator has not added any information yet. When they do, we’ll notify you.

@endif @endif
Mission statement
@if(isset($child->missionTitle) && $child->missionTitle != "")
{{ isset($child->missionTitle) ? $child->missionTitle : "" }} {!! isset($child->missionDescription) ? str_ireplace(array("\r\n\t",'\r\n\t',"\r\n",'\r\n',"\n",'\n',"\t",'\t'),'
',$child->missionDescription) : "" !!}
@else @if($is_school) @else

The school administrator has not added any information yet. When they do, we’ll notify you.

@endif @endif
@if($checks && isset($checks))

Please answer the following questions. (True/False)

    {{-- @php $stepCount = 1; @endphp --}} @foreach($checks as $key=>$item)
  • {{$item->title}}
  • {{-- @php $stepCount++; @endphp --}} @endforeach
{{-- Loop area --}} @foreach($checks as $key=>$item)


@php $chkCount = 1; @endphp @foreach($item->checklist as $keyItem=>$check)
checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0) && isset($child->checklist->checks[$key])) {{ in_array($check->_id, $child->checklist->checks[$key]->options) == true ? 'checked' : ''}} @endif >
@php $chkCount++; @endphp @endforeach
{{-- @if(in_array($item->_id, $child->checklist->checks[$key]->options)){ {{$item->title}} @endif --}}
Parent Comments
{{-- --}} {{-- --}}
@if ($is_school) Parent Signature @else Sign enrolment form @endif {{--
(For any change kindly )
@if ($is_school) @if ($child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) @if(isset($child->checklist->checks[$key]) &&$child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign == true)
Parent did not agree. A signature is not available.
@endif @else
Waiting for parent's review.
@endif @endif
@if ($child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0))
checklist->checks[$key]) && $child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign == true ? '' : 'display:none'}} >Already Signed
checklist->checks[$key]) && $child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign == true ? 'display:none' : ''}} >
checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) {{ $child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && isset($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign) && ($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign === true) == true ? 'checked' : '' }} @else {{''}} @endif onChange="handleChange(this)">
checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) {{ $child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && isset($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign) && ($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign == false) == true ? 'checked' : '' }} @else {{'checked'}} @endif onChange="handleChange(this)" >
checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) {{ $child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && isset($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign) && ($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign === true) == true ? 'checked' : '' }} @else {{''}} @endif onChange="handleChange(this)">
checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) {{ $child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && isset($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign) && ($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign == false) == true ? 'checked' : '' }} @else {{'checked'}} @endif onChange="handleChange(this)" >
{{-- @if (!$is_school) --}}
@if ($child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) @if($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign == true)
@endif @endif
--}} @if ($child->checklist && isset($child->checklist) && (count($child->checklist->checks) > 0)) {{-- @if($child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign != true) --}}
checklist->checks[$key]) && $child->checklist->checks[$key]->isSign != true ? 'display:none' : 'display:none'}} class="signature-pad">
{{-- @endif --}} @else
{{-- @endif --}}

The school administrator has not added any information yet.

@endif {{-- @else

The school administrator has not added any information yet. When they do, we’ll notify you.

@endif --}}
@include('school.policy-consent.EditPolicyConsent', ['url' => route('children.update.policy-consent')]) @php $consents = []; if(isset($child->policiesAndConsents)){ $consents = $child->policiesAndConsents; } @endphp @endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection