@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @section('breadcrumb')


Click here to learn how to manage the enrolment forms/child profiles.

@endsection @section('content')
List of children

We strongly recommend archiving profiles of children who have left your service. If you choose to "Permanently delete" any child profile, the profile cannot be retrieved after the 30 day period. If within a 30 day period, it can be retrieved from Children > List of Removed Children

@if(isset($children) && !empty($children)) @foreach($children as $child) @endforeach @endif
Children name Assigned room Gender Date of birth Educator name Parent or Guardian Parents phone number Parents email Chick / Other ID
{{ $child->name }}
{{ isset($child->room) ? $child->room->name : 'N/A' }} {{ $child->gender == 0 ? "Male" : "Female" }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($child->dob)->format('d/m/Y') }} @if(isset($child->roomTeachers) && !empty($child->roomTeachers)) @php $roomTeachers = []; @endphp @foreach($child->roomTeachers as $teacher) @php $roomTeachers[] = $teacher->firstName . ' ' . $teacher->lastName; @endphp @endforeach {{ implode(', ', $roomTeachers) }} @endif @if(isset($child->parents) && !empty($child->parents)) @php $parents = []; @endphp @foreach($child->parents as $parent) @php $parents[] = ((isset($parent->firstName) && !empty($parent->firstName)) || (isset($parent->lastName) && !empty($parent->lastName))) ? @$parent->firstName . ' ' . @$parent->lastName : '-'; @endphp @endforeach {!! implode('
', $parents) !!} @endif
@if(isset($child->parents) && !empty($child->parents)) @php $parents = []; @endphp @foreach($child->parents as $parent) @php $parents[] = (isset($parent->phone) && !empty($parent->phone)) ? @$parent->phone : '-'; @endphp @endforeach {!! implode('
', $parents) !!} @endif
@if(isset($child->parents) && !empty($child->parents)) @php $parents = []; @endphp @foreach($child->parents as $parent) @php $parents[] = (isset($parent->email) && !empty($parent->email)) ? @$parent->email : '-'; @endphp @endforeach {!! implode('
', $parents) !!} @endif
{{ $child->otherId ?? "-" }}
@endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection