@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @section('breadcrumb')


@endsection @section('content')
List of collections
Name Teacher / staff Collection point Date and time Notes
child Sophie child Jerry Ortiz Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Ira child Jerry Ortiz Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Jimmy child Jerry Ortiz Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Pete child Jerry Ortiz Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Paige child Sara Foster Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Terry child Sara Foster Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Peter child Sara Foster Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Holly child Sara Foster Classroom 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
child Stew child Jerry Ortiz Gate 15/12/2020 to 15/01/2021 (12:30 pm) NA
@endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection