@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $currentTab = 1; if(app('request')->input('t')){ $currentTab = app('request')->input('t'); } $trackerur = ""; if(app('request')->input('tracker')){ $trackerurl = route('school.learning-story-analysis', [ 't' => 3, 'room' => $filter['room'], 'child' => $filter['child'] ]); } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Learning stories

@if((isset($stories) && !empty($stories)) && ( ( isset($stories[0]->draftCount) && count($stories) > 1 ) || count($stories) > 0) )
@if(isset($filter['child']) && !empty($filter['child'])) Add new learning story @if(isset($trackerurl) && !empty($trackerurl)) View tracker for @endif @else Add new learning story @endif
@endsection @section('content') @if((isset($stories) && !empty($stories)) && count($stories) > 0 && isset($stories[0]->draftCount))

Filter learning stories

@if(isset($filter['room']) || isset($filter['room']) || isset($filter['term'])) Clear @endif
@if((isset($stories) && !empty($stories)) && ( ( isset($stories[0]->draftCount) && count($stories) > 1 ) || (!isset($stories[0]->draftCount) && count($stories) > 0)) ) @foreach ($stories as $key => $story) @if(isset($stories[0]->draftCount) && $key ==0) @php continue; @endphp @endif
{{$story->child->name}}: {{$story->name}} on {{\Carbon\Carbon::parse($story->date)->format('d/m/Y')}}
Posted by @if(isset($story->publisher)) {{$story->publisher->firstName}} {{$story->publisher->lastName}} @else School @endif
@foreach($story->media as $m) @php $ext = pathinfo($m->url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); @endphp @endforeach
@endif @if(isset($story->linkedStories) && !empty($story->linkedStories) && count($story->linkedStories) > 0) @endif @if(isset($story->isPublic) && $story->isPublic == false)
This has not been shared with parents.
@if($previousurl!="") Previous @endif @if($nexturl!="") Next @endif
@else @if($page == 1)

Add learning stories

Document each child’s learning journey with TeachKloud’s learning stories and share with parents. Learn how learning stories work

@if(isset($filter['child']) && !empty($filter['child']))

There are no learning stories for .

Add new learning story @else Add new learning story @endif

No more learning stories found.

@endif @endif
@include('school.learning-stories.ls-modal') @endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection