@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $services_type = config('constant.services_type'); $selected_child = $selected_room = ""; if(app('request')->input('child')){ $selected_child = app('request')->input('child'); } if(app('request')->input('room')){ $selected_room = app('request')->input('room'); } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Add form

@endsection @section('content')

It is agreed that the above child, who is eligible for a subsidy under the National Childcare Scheme, will avail of childcare services as follows:

@if(isset($services_type) && !empty($services_type)) @foreach($services_type as $key => $service)
@endforeach @endif

These services will be delivered for the period {Date} to {Date} subject to each party giving the other 4 weeks notice if they wish to terminate a place.

The fee for this service (as set out in the service’s published schedule of fees and taking account of any applicable discount) is {Amount} per week term time, and {Amount} non-term time.

per week
per week

The parent is using a subsidy of {Hour} hours per week during term time and using {Hour} hours during non-term time.

hours per week
hours per week

The hourly subsidy rate for which the child is eligible is {Amount} per hour, that is, a weekly subsidy total of {Amount}.

The hourly subsidy rate for which the child is eligible is {Amount} per hour, that is, a weekly total of term time and non-term time

per hour

The weekly fee that will be charged to the parent at the date of this agreement will be {Amount} term time and {Amount} non-term time.

The National Childcare Scheme subsidy will be offset in full against the childcare fee. If the subsidy to which the child is entitled increases or decreases, the fee charged to the parent will be revised to reflect the change in subsidy.

@if(isset($init->defaultSign) && !empty($init->defaultSign)) @endif
defaultName) && $init->defaultName != "") || old('saveAsDefault')) ? 'checked' : ''}}>

NOTE: If the service provider increases or decreases the childcare fee, or if the parent chooses to avail of a different level of service, a new agreement must be signed. Please note that, under the rules of the National Childcare Scheme, if the child persistently attends for fewer hours than the number of hours subsidised, the registered hours must be reduced. This will result in a reduction in the subsidy and a consequent increase in the fee charged.

Please also note that, under the rules of the National Childcare Scheme, if the child is absent for four or more weeks this must be reported by the provider and the subsidy will be suspended by the Scheme Administrator. The Scheme Administrator will continue to pay a subsidy for absences beyond four weeks in certain special circumstances (see www.ncs.gov.ie for further details)

@endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection