@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $is_suggested = false; $is_update = false; if(isset($policy) && !empty($policy)){ $is_update = true; if(isset($policy->reference)){ $is_suggested = true; } } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Edit Policy or Document

When a policy is updated, all existing signatures will be deleted, and users will need to re-sign the updated policy if it's shared with them. Deleted signatures cannot be retrieved. We recommend downloading the policy that includes signatures before updating.

@endsection @section('content') @if($is_suggested)
Suggestions on what to include in this policy


@csrf @if($is_update) @endif

Type, copy and paste your schools policy here or upload your policy as a PDF document.

Update your policy or document here.
@if($is_update && isset($policy->documents) && !empty($policy->documents)) @foreach($policy->documents as $document) @php $ext = pathinfo($document->url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); @endphp
{{ isset($document->name) ? $document->name : '' }} @endforeach @else
Approved by
@if($is_update && isset($policy->approvedBy[0]->image) && !empty($policy->approvedBy[0]->image))
@if($is_update && isset($policy->approvedBy[1]->image) && !empty($policy->approvedBy[1]->image))
isPublic) && $policy->isPublic == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
--}} {{-- ============= --}}
isPublic) && $policy->isPublic == true ? 'checked' : ''}}>
isPublic) && $policy->isPublic == false && count($policy->childs) > 0 ? 'checked' : ''}}>
isPublic) && $policy->isPublic == false && !$policy->childs ? 'checked' : ''}}>
Share this with selective parents
@if(isset($rooms) && !empty($rooms)) @foreach ($rooms as $key=>$room)
@if(isset($room->childList) && !empty($room->childList))
@foreach ($room->childList as $child)
@endforeach @endif
@endsection @section('script-bottom') {{-- --}} {{-- --}} @endsection