@extends('layouts.vertical') @php $currentTab = 1; if(app('request')->input('t')){ $currentTab = app('request')->input('t'); } $policies = []; $consents = []; @endphp @section('css') @endsection @section('breadcrumb')

Policies & consent

Add Enrolment Policies & Consent Forms that parents can complete and sign. Watch our short tutorial on creating and sharing enrolment / child registration forms with Parents.

@endsection @section('content')
@if(isset($policies_consents) && !empty($policies_consents))
@php $count = 1 @endphp @foreach($policies_consents as $policy) @if($policy->isConsent == false)
{!! str_ireplace(array("\r\n\t",'\r\n\t',"\r\n",'\r\n',"\n",'\n',"\t",'\t'),'
',$policy->description) !!}
@if(isset($policy->childs) && !empty($policy->childs)) View children who have modified policies @endif
@php $count++ @endphp @endif @endforeach
@if(isset($policies_consents) && !empty($policies_consents))
@php $count = 1 @endphp @foreach($policies_consents as $consent) @if($consent->isConsent == true)
@if(isset($consent->childs) && !empty($consent->childs)) View children who have modified consent @endif
@php $count++ @endphp @endif @endforeach
@else @endif
@include('school.policy-consent.AddPolicyConsent') @include('school.policy-consent.EditPolicyConsent', ['url' => route('policy-consent.save')]) @php $consents = $policies_consents; @endphp @endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection