@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $annual_leave_types = config('constant.annual_leave_types'); $CurrentRosterSchedule = []; $is_some_roster_exist = false; $utype = ""; if(app('request')->input('type')){ $utype = app('request')->input('type'); } $user = ""; $month = date('F Y'); if(app('request')->input('id')){ $user = app('request')->input('id'); } if(app('request')->input('month')){ $month = app('request')->input('month'); } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')

Roster management

Learn how roster management works here

@endsection @section('content')

Restrict Timesheet Check In : disableCheckInEdit) && ($setting->disableCheckInEdit == true || $setting->disableCheckInEdit == "true") ? "checked" : ""}} value="1">

Auto-approve Annual Leave requests: autoApproveAL) && ($setting->autoApproveAL == true || $setting->autoApproveAL == "true") ? "checked" : ""}} value="2">

Staff whose schedules have not been added, are shown under educators. Select any name to create a new schedule for multiple staff. After creating your first schedule, use the 'add schedule' button (top right) to add new schedules. Watch this video to learn how to use the roster feature.

@endsection @section('script-bottom') . @endsection