@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $teacherList = []; $user = ""; $month = date('F Y'); if(app('request')->input('id')){ $user = app('request')->input('id'); } if(app('request')->input('month')){ $month = app('request')->input('month'); } @endphp @if(isset($rosters->teachers->scheduled) && !empty($rosters->teachers->scheduled)) @foreach ($rosters->teachers->scheduled as $key => $teacher) @php $teacher->name = $teacher->firstName . " " . $teacher->lastName; $teacherList[] = $teacher; @endphp @endforeach @endif @section('breadcrumb')


Please use this button to disable email notification of timesheet comments: disableEmail) && ($rosters->disableEmail == true || $rosters->disableEmail == "true") ? "checked" : ""}}>

@endsection @section('content')
Shift hours
0 hrs
Total hours spent in school
0 hrs
Schedules missed
0 hrs
Total additional break hours
0 hrs
Total break hours
0 hrs
Total predefined break hours
Date Schedule Start time/End time Record added by
@if(isset($rosters->removedTeachers) && !empty($rosters->removedTeachers)) @foreach ($rosters->removedTeachers as $key => $teacher) @php $teacher->name = $teacher->firstName . " " . $teacher->lastName; $teacherList[] = $teacher; @endphp @endforeach @endif @php $teacherList = collect($teacherList)->sortBy('name'); @endphp @php $teacherList = $teacherList->values()->all(); @endphp @endsection @section('script-bottom') @endsection