@extends('layouts.vertical') @section('css') @endsection @php $stype = 2; if(app('request')->input('type')){ $stype = app('request')->input('type'); } $weekly_scheme_count = 0; $daily_scheme_count = 0; if(isset($init->schemes) && !empty($init->schemes)) { $weekly_scheme_count = collect($init->schemes)->filter(function($item) { return (isset($item->version) && $item->version == 2); })->count(); $daily_scheme_count = count($init->schemes) - $weekly_scheme_count; } @endphp @section('breadcrumb')


Use schemes to add governmental schemes or subsidies to child profiles and attendance inspection reports. Children’s schemes are visible via the School Interface and in the attendance section of the TeachKloud: Childcare App. Watch our tutorial video on Schemes.

Please ensure scheme hours are updated from the date you would like the change to take place. Scheme hours cannot be backdated.

@if(isset($init->schemes) && !empty($init->schemes))

Please use this button to disable email notification of under attendance: disableEmail) && ($init->disableEmail == true || $init->disableEmail == "true") ? "checked" : ""}}>

@endsection @section('content') @if(isset($init->schemes) && !empty($init->schemes)) @if($daily_scheme_count > 0)
@endif @foreach($init->schemes as $scheme) @php $type = 1; @endphp @if(isset($scheme->version) && $scheme->version == 2) @php $type = 2; @endphp @endif
@if($type == 1) Convert to weekly scheme @else @if(isset($scheme->childs) && !empty($scheme->childs)) Update hours @endif @endif Remove this scheme Edit scheme Add children
{{-- --}} @if($type == 2) @endif @if(isset($scheme->childs) && !empty($scheme->childs)) @foreach($scheme->childs as $child) {{-- --}} @if($type == 2) @endif @endforeach @endif
Children name Added onTeacherRoom nameHours p/w
child {{ $child->name }} @if(isset($child->alert)) @endif {{ date('d/m/Y, h:i a', strtotime($child->addedOn)) }} child Jerry Ortiz {{ isset($child->room) && !empty($child->room) ? $child->room->name : "NA" }}{{ isset($child->minutes) && $child->minutes > 0 ? Helper::getHoursStrShort($child->minutes) : '-'}}
@endforeach @else

Add any governmental schemes here and assign them to children.
