@extends('layouts.teacher') @section('css') @endsection @section('breadcrumb')
Select download to view and / or download the full form.
{{ isset($parent->email) ? $parent->email : 'NA' }} {{ isset($parent->phone) ? $parent->phone : 'NA' }}
{{ isset($parent->address) ? $parent->address : 'NA' }}
{{ isset($collection->phone) && $collection->phone != "" ? $collection->phone : 'NA' }}
@if(isset($collection->days) && !empty($collection->days)) @php $collectDays = []; @endphp @foreach($collection->days as $day) @php $collectDays[] = isset($collection_days[$day]) ? $collection_days[$day] : ''; @endphp @endforeachCollection days: {{ implode(', ', $collectDays) }}.
@endif @if($collection->range == false && isset($collection->dates) && !empty($collection->dates)) @php $collectDates = []; @endphp @foreach($collection->dates as $date) @php $collectDates[] = \Carbon\Carbon::parse($date)->format('d/m/Y'); @endphp @endforeachOther collection dates: {{ implode(', ', $collectDates) }}
@endif @if($collection->range == true && isset($collection->fromDate) && !empty($collection->fromDate) && isset($collection->toDate) && !empty($collection->toDate))Collection date: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($collection->fromDate)->format('d/m/Y') }} - {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($collection->toDate)->format('d/m/Y') }}
@endif{{ isset($collection->address) ? $collection->address : 'NA '}}
Full Day Care - {{implode(', ', $fullDayCareDays)}}
@endif @if(!empty($morningCareDays))Mornings Only - {{implode(', ', $morningCareDays)}}
@endif @if(!empty($afternoonCareDays))Afternoon Only - {{implode(', ', $afternoonCareDays)}}
@endifI like {{ implode(', ', $selectedhobbies) }}.
{{ implode(', ', $otherhobbies) }}
I don’t like {{ implode(', ', $selectedFears) }}.
{{ implode(', ', $otherFears) }}
My favourite {{ $favourite->title}} {{ isset($favourite->description) && $favourite->description != "" ? 'is ' . $favourite->description : '' }}
{{ isset($child->toiletTrained) && $child->toiletTrained == true ? 'I am toilet trained.' : 'I am not toilet trained.'}}
My child has been immunised
@endif @if(isset($child->anaphylaxisDiagnosed) && $child->anaphylaxisDiagnosed == true)My child has been diagnosed as at risk of anaphylaxis
@endif @if(isset($child->immunised) && $child->immunised == true) @if(isset($child->vaccines) && !empty($child->vaccines)) @php $vcount = 0; @endphp @foreach($child->vaccines as $vaccine){{isset($vaccine->name) ? $vaccine->name : 'NA'}}
Given date: {{ isset($vaccine->date) && $vaccine->date != "" ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($vaccine->date)->format('d/m/Y') : 'NA'}}
My child has been diagnosed by a doctor {{isset($child->allergiesDiagnosing) && $child->allergiesDiagnosing == true ? '(Diagnosis ongoing)' : ''}}
@elseif(isset($child->allergiesDiagnosing) && $child->allergiesDiagnosing == true)Diagnosis ongoing
@endifDate of diagnosis: {{ isset($child->allergiesDiagnosedDate) && $child->allergiesDiagnosedDate != "" ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($child->allergiesDiagnosedDate)->format('d/m/Y') : 'NA' }}
{{ isset($child->allergiesDescription) ? $child->allergiesDescription : '' }}
@endifMy child has been diagnosed by a doctor {{isset($child->specialNeedsDiagnosing) && $child->specialNeedsDiagnosing == true ? '(Diagnosis ongoing)' : ''}}
@elseif(isset($child->specialNeedsDiagnosing) && $child->specialNeedsDiagnosing == true)Diagnosis ongoing
@endifDate of diagnosis: {{ isset($child->specialNeedsDiagnosedDate) && $child->specialNeedsDiagnosedDate != "" ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($child->specialNeedsDiagnosedDate)->format('d/m/Y') : 'NA' }}
{{ isset($child->specialNeedsDescription) ? $child->specialNeedsDescription : '' }}
@endif{{ isset($child->restricationDescription) ? $child->restricationDescription : '' }}
@endif{{ isset($child->medicalConcerns) ? $child->medicalConcerns : '-' }}
{!! str_ireplace(array("\r\n\t",'\r\n\t',"\r\n",'\r\n',"\n",'\n',"\t",'\t'),'
',$policy->description) !!}
{{ isset($child->missionTitle) ? $child->missionTitle : "" }}
{!! isset($child->missionDescription) ? str_ireplace(array("\r\n\t",'\r\n\t',"\r\n",'\r\n',"\n",'\n',"\t",'\t'),'
',$child->missionDescription) : "" !!}